Well, that's settled
Big Toe: 0
The big toe lost a point for the long wait (2 -3 hours without an appointment) at the health clinic, but gained a point for being a clean break that's not on a joint.
On the plus side, I am now certain that I know where the clinic is. I have my little ID card. I can get through an exam and X-ray speaking little Japanese.
On the minus side, I have a broken toe - the only one that people seem to care about if it breaks. It's my right big toe, just above the joint. It's my first broken bone - ever. I have to go back in 2 weeks to make sure it hasn't moved out of position. I have to keep my weight off of it for a month. The doctor showed me how to walk funny with my toe held up to accomplish this. At least it's not crutches...we all know I'm WAY too stubborn for those to be an option. He gave me little anti-inflammatory bandages to wrap around it twice a day. I may pair them with some loose tape to keep them on and the toe semi-set. He offered me pain medicine. Honestly, the pain's not so bad that Tylenol can't take it out and I somehow managed to convey that I was still breastfeeding which made him retract his offer.
Speaking of stubborn, I'm still going to Tokyo Disneyland in a week. Chrys says he may rent me a wheelchair which excites me because that gets you moved ahead in the line in America. I'm also still planning on going to karate twice a week, but I won't contact anything with my foot and I won't do anything that requires me to move around much since it's hard to move well and keep your weight off of your toe. Hopefully it won't affect my belt test too much, but we'll see.