Adventures in Isahaya

"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes" - Winnie the Pooh

場所: Burnt Hills, New York, United States

I'm a SAHM to a little girl born October 2003, a little boy born August 2006 and another little boy born January 2012.

水曜日, 2月 22, 2006

Last goodbyes

In our last few days, I had goodbye gifts to give out. I toodled around town giving small tokens (ours were Texas themed hand towels) to the people that we had spent the most time with - Gym, swimming teachers, friends.

My last stop was the coffee shop down the street. Roo and I had been going there every week (at least once) for probably 10 months at that point. It was a big part of our lives. The food was great - especially the egg salad sandwich. The staff were very friendly. In the last months, we had even begun to converse a little bit. I knew I had to give them something.

Chrys and I had some desserts - mmm, chocolate parfait - and coffee. Roo picked at her scones, as usual. When we got up to leave, I took the small bag with the towels to the kitchen. They seemed amazed and very touched. As we checked out, they brought over a gift wrapped bag and told me it was a present for me. As we left, I shed many tears as did they. As we got to the car, one of the women ran out to say "arigatou" because she had missed us inside. I cried harder, especially when I looked up to see her standing on the ledge with red eyes.

I miss that shop. The gift was two little mugs with their store logo. I haven't been able to bring myself to use them just yet. I cry just thinking about not being able to go there.

Nevertheless, my most heartwrenching goodbye was as we went to drive away from our hotel on the last morning. The valet started frantically waving as we pulled out. I stopped and saw Emi (Ayaka's mom) in the rearview mirror. I got out of the car and she was near frantic. She brought a small doll for Roo. She said it was a twin doll and that Ayaka had the mate. Roo named hers Ayaka-doll. We hugged and said goodbye yet again. I promised her that somehow, we would meet up again. I hope I can fulfill that.

First Goodbyes

On December 8, we went to our last Gym Rompers class. A big deal was made about the fact that it was Roo and my last class. Photos were taken, including one of the whole group. More Japanese songs were sung for us. Goodbyes were said. It was pretty easy to get through, even though I knew I'd never see most of them again. I think it was partly, or mostly, due to the fact that our departure was still so far away. It made it easier somehow.

On December 15, we went to the Christmas concert. It was beautiful. Lights, music, songs, games for the kids, Santa. Roo had a great time. We were given some presents. My favorite was the photo that was taken at our last class by the leader. She had matted it and decorated it in a lovely stand up that I will display for a very long time. Roo's favorite was a bag full of Kitty things from Ayaka-chan. She even got some gifts from Santa. More goodbyes were said, but it was still easy to say. After all, we were two weeks away.