Adventures in Isahaya

"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes" - Winnie the Pooh

場所: Burnt Hills, New York, United States

I'm a SAHM to a little girl born October 2003, a little boy born August 2006 and another little boy born January 2012.

火曜日, 5月 02, 2006

Whirlwind Tour

Having A come visit for our last weeks was probably the best thing ever. In addition to my onsen partner, it allowed me an excuse to revisit all of the places I'd really enjoyed (that were within driving distance).

My top picks (in no particular order):
Nagasaki arcade
Atomic Bomb Museum/Park
99 Islands
Huis Ten Bosch
Nagasaki Bio Park
Shimabara Castle
Oura Cathedral/Glover Gardens
Time in Isahaya (Bridge, Orange Spice)
Unzen spa

I saw pieces of each that I'd just glossed over before. It was nice to get another chance to just look and enjoy and see someone else's perspective. I highly recommend it.