Adventures in Isahaya

"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes" - Winnie the Pooh

場所: Burnt Hills, New York, United States

I'm a SAHM to a little girl born October 2003, a little boy born August 2006 and another little boy born January 2012.

木曜日, 12月 01, 2005

Tokyo Day 3 (random wanderings)

We began day 3 with a trip to U(y)eno station. We stopped to collect our next HRC gear and wander around the shops at the station since it was nearing lunch time.

Then, we went to the zoo. It wasn't a great zoo, but they had pandas. More specifically, they had Ling Ling. I know I've seen her in the news so it was pretty cool to get there and realize that I was looking at something I'd heard about and never realized I might ever see. She was sleeping, but boy did Roo know what she was looking at. We heard about the "pannas" for the rest of the day.

We walked around the Ueno park for a bit, but didn't feel like museum hopping with the (over)active toddler so it was back to the trains.

After that, we stopped in Ginza. This is Tokyo's 5th Avenue. Mikimoto Pearl, Apple, Tasaki Pearl, Burberry, Dolce - they all have homes here. It's totally overstimulating and overpriced. The neat part is that, during the day, the road is closed and this HUGE area is a pedestrian mall. It was really nice to wander back and forth and only worry about crossing streets on the short blocks.

Mikimoto appears to be Japan's Tiffany's. I'm struck with the same desire I have when I go to Tiffany's. I don't want to buy any of it because it's not really that unique or striking, but I want to own the little box. It's hard to describe. Fortunately, I inherited a Mikimoto box from my grandmother (who knows which set of pearls belongs in it) so I don't get overwhelmed by the need for another. The pearls are REALLY pretty, but I don't know enough to know the difference between their strand for $700 and my friend's in Vermont for $200 so I just browse.

After that, it was off to Apple for more browsing and to let Roo test all of their "ipahs". Oh, that girl loves her iPods. I'm sure Santa will get that request long before he's ready for it.

We also stopped in at Hakuhinkan Toy Park. It's 5 floors of chaos and toys on display. Roo was in heaven. We let her play for a bit on the Legos outside (until they took them in as the road was opening), then she wandered all of the displays inside - Popo, trains, robots. They had a little of everything and in seemingly every price range. (Fyoire, there were no Pullips, though...color me surprised.)

We had dinner at the Lion Beer Hall. It was an interesting place. We were seated in a small room off to the side and on the second floor so I don't think we got the whole experience. It was pretty funny to be in a Japanese Beer Hall, though.

Finishing that, we figured out how to get a ticket that transferred across subways and we headed back to crash at the hotel.