Adventures in Isahaya

"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes" - Winnie the Pooh

場所: Burnt Hills, New York, United States

I'm a SAHM to a little girl born October 2003, a little boy born August 2006 and another little boy born January 2012.

木曜日, 8月 11, 2005

At least you know it's fresh

I think it's a tuna. They have one about once a week. They'll have the carcass and the head on display, cleaned. They're laid out across a couple of carts in the fish section, which happens to be right next to the dairy section. The meat is all packaged up and ready for people to take home. Sometimes they use the carcass as a little display shelf and have the packages sitting on it. Sometimes there are samples (raw, of course) and soy sauce for dipping.

What *really* gets me, though, is when you walk through and there's pieces that have been knocked loose from the carcass all over the floor, all mushed up. Blech!