Adventures in Isahaya

"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes" - Winnie the Pooh

場所: Burnt Hills, New York, United States

I'm a SAHM to a little girl born October 2003, a little boy born August 2006 and another little boy born January 2012.

月曜日, 5月 02, 2005

Golden Week (Part 1)

First of all, pictures are linked in the title (for this post and the previous one).

On Friday, we drove up to Fukuoka. Yup, the place with all of the earthquakes. We decided to brave it, but that was the first question we got when we mentioned that we were going there.

Perhaps the most important aspect of this trip is that it marked our first use of the toll roads here. They are quite expensive. I think it was around $40 to get to Fukuoka (about a 2 hour car ride). The speed limit on most stretches was 80km/h, but most people go 90-100km/h. They are empty, though. Given that it was a holiday weekend, we were prepared for the worst. Thankfully, though, there was little traffic and smooth sailing the whole way. We are in love!

We stayed at the JAL Seahawk Resort on the beach. It was an amazing hotel - very nice. It was also really close to the Hard Rock Cafe (HRC) which was our primary reason for going.

We got there on Friday night. We wandered around Hawkstown, braving the post-game crowds. We looked through the Toys R Us, and it looked a lot like home. They even had imported Nacho Cheese Doritos - YUM! That night, we had dinner at the HRC and got our HRC Fukuoka shirts. Ryanne even got her first HRC shirt, aptly labeled such. The food was typical poor quality American HRC fare, and we loved every bite of it.

On Saturday, we went to the Fukuoka Tower and looked around the area. On our way up, they had a special card written in English explaining that we'd have to come down via the stairs if there was an earthquake. We had lunch at a great brick oven pizza place. We spent the afternoon on the beach, even though it was a little cool. Roo loved being in the water and was having a great time playing chicken with the waves.

Sunday, we went to Marine World and Roo got to see lots of fish and watch the dolphin shows. It was a good time. There was an amazing amount of damage in that area, though. Whole segments of side walk had been lifted 3+ feet in the air. They had much of the grounds and walkways blocked off. There was obvious damage on the foot bridge from the boat that took us across the bay. The sidewalks had mats over every joint to try to prevent tripping. We knew the quake was severe, but it was something else to see the damage firsthand. After many hours with the fish, Roo pooped out and we made our way home.